Our students have access to world-class resources and facilities across two city-centre campuses.
IT resources
Our studios also have WiFi, and standard and large format printing facilities. Computers here offer industry-standard software for:
- computer-aided design;
- image editing;
- print and web design;
- visualisation.
You can also access Apple Mac-based video editing, scanning and digital design resources. You can find these at Manchester School of Art (MSA), alongside high-quality printing services.
Online resources support learning and teaching. This includes the Moodle virtual learning environment.
Libraries and collections
Manchester Metropolitan University has a nationally recognised art and design collection. Specialist collections include the Manchester Society of Architects’ Library. This holds important and rare books on the history of architecture.
Manchester Metropolitan University’s Visual Resources Centre covers a broad spectrum of subjects. These include architecture, art and design, film, popular media and social history.
Materials and equipment
Our students can buy materials and consumables from MSA's Material Stores. These are at cost prices.
Students can borrow video and photography equipment from the AV Store. You'll also have access to photography studios, film processing and video editing facilities.
There are model-making and construction project workshops in Manchester Metropolitan University’s Benzie Building and The University of Manchester’s Humanities Bridgeford Street building. We have workshops equipped for:
- bookbinding;
- ceramics;
- computer-aided manufacture;
- foam;
- glass;
- metal;
- plastics;
- printmaking;
- textiles;
- wood.
Our B.15 modelmaking workshop can help with the production of scale development and presentation models. It offers state-of-the-art digital fabrication technology alongside core traditional manufacturing techniques.