Past events
PGCE Secondary Virtual Information Session
Sign up to our PGCE Secondary Information Session, where you will find out everything you need to kn...
PGCE Primary Virtual Information Session
Sign up to our PGCE Primary Information Session, where you will find out everything you need to know...
Social Media and Me: Exploring young people's digital worlds
In a world where adults think they know what’s best, is banning social media the answer to improvi...
Data Treasure Hunt – Behind the scenes of where our everyday information comes from!
As part of the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences, an event at Salford Museum & Art Gallery will explo...
Social Media: Lifting a lid on young people's digital worlds
It's no secret that lots of people think social media is the reason young people are increasingly su...
SPACES for young people's wellbeing
Join us for an absorbing webinar on creating SPACES (Supporting Participation in Arts, Culture, Ente...
Manchester Institute of Education's Teacher Education and Professional Learning (TEPL) RSG annual conference
This is the TEPL RSG annual conference that aims to showcase some of the research and scholarly acti...
Sharing perspectives on student use of generative AI in SEED
The session will provide an opportunity for colleagues to discuss with each other in small groups ho...
PIA (Power, Inequality, and Activism) Conference
What is the conference and what does it involve? Developed through our PGRs, the PIA (Power, Inequal...
An exploration of social justice driven participatory research between the Tutor Trust and Local Matters - Power, Poverty and Place.
We would be delighted if you could attend the Local Matters/Tutor Trust conference on March 21st at1...