Current PhD students
Meet and be inspired by our Geography PhD students.
Name | Thesis title |
Adam Johnston | Remote sensing surface roughness to predict the natural flood risk management benefits of peat land restoration |
Alexandra Hamer | Remote sensing of belowground processes in grassland ecosystems |
Amali Amali | Benchmarking Accuracy, Uncertainty, and Reliability of Alternative Satellite-based Approaches for Monitoring Agricultural Water Use |
Ana Lambert Grossi | A liminal space: boundary organisations at the crossroads of GEC in the Amazon |
Anindya Majhi | Mature Gullies: Geomorphology, Dynamics and Sensitivity to Environmental Changes |
Arianna Tozzi | The Gender Subtext Negotiating Climate Resilience: examining the intersecting uses, practices and relationships around groundwater resources in semi-arid regions of India |
Arielle Lawson | Home beyond 'the Home': Spatializing 1970s Feminist Activism in London and New York City |
Caitlin Morrissey | Making up the global city: the financing and governing of urban infrastructural futures |
Carwyn Greaves | De-Industrialisation and Creative Labour Practices in the South Wales Valleys |
Chantal Bright | Water Security and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in Liberia |
Chuanze Li | Understanding forest degradation and environmental impacts in Brazilian Savannah using Earth observation and machine learning |
Dongyang Mi | Hygienic citizenship: Shifting cultures of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation |
Ellie Barker | Smart and (Un)Sustainable? Empowering Manchester's Youth to Reform the Smart City |
Ellis Fannin | Queering cartographic epistemologies through arts-based and multi-sensory participatory mapping methods: creating counter cartographies of queer Manchester |
Esteban Arevalo Maldonado | Evaluating the technical requirements, and economic and social value of a Geoportal for historic cadastral maps |
Gizem Grünberg | Neoliberalism and Nature Conservation in Turkey: Cooperation, Conflict and Resistance |
Hannah Charles | ESRC CASE Studentship on "Social housing challenges in the low-carbon transformation towards Net Zero |
Haoyue Guo | Exploring the Impact of Artistic Place-making Practices for Rural-urban Migrant Children's Sense of Belonging and Place Attachment in China's Urban Villages in Shenzhen |
Harry Quealy | Constructing 'climate-resilient' hydrosocial territories: the politics of governing water and climate change adaptation in Sri Lanka¿s dry zone region |
Hayato Koga | Japan's Energy Democracy: A Human Geographical Analysis on Citizens' Perceptions, Conceptualisations, and the Development of Community Energy |
Heather Miles | Canadian First Nations counter-mapping: Community, technology and epistemology |
Henk Cornelissen | Holocene glacier dynamics and environmental change in the High Atlas, Morocco |
James Sloane | Sphagnum establishment and peatland carbon balance |
Jane Mellor | Impacts of erosion and restoration on peatland hydrological regimes and heavy metal retention, release and speciation in the Peak District National Park, Northern England, UK |
Jessica Gauld | Learning from the past - A palaeoecological study to inform restoration of Greater Manchester's peatlands |
Jianyi Liu | Managing seasonal dimensions of urban agriculture |
Jinsoo Lee | Environmental injustice and the US military in South Korea: geopolitics, post-politics, and the new geography of peace |
Kate Booth | Analyzing the expansion of forest loss in indigenous lands in Brazilian Amazon during the COVID-19 19 outbreak |
Kirsty Watkinson | Remote Sensing and Sustainable Development Goal Monitoring |
Le Zhu | Evaluation of social exclusion via the distributions of accessibility: focus on citizen living in affordable housing both in Nanjing and Manchester |
Madeline Routon | Making Home in the Margins: Creative Precarity and Placemaking in Barcelona |
Manon Burbidge | Energy Justice and Citizenship: Refugee and Asylum Seeker Communities¿ Experiences of Energy Poverty and Infrastructural Exclusion in the United Kingdom |
Matthew Varco | Eco-fascism and political ecologies of the far-right in Germany |
Mengyao Li | Understanding Collaborative Water Governance in Urbanising China: Case Study of Baiyangdian Lake |
Mohammad Akhavan Kharazian | A paleoenvironmental study in the Mokopane region of South Africa by using soilmicromorphology and geochronology |
Olga Chumicheva | Urban Policies on Diversity in Post-Soviet Russian cities |
Oliver Bignell | Anecdotal Anthropocenes: An interdisciplinary investigation into the role of experiential knowledge in sensing wildfires. |
Oliver Thomas | From summit to cirque: Deciphering the nature and rate of ice loss from the last Welsh Ice Cap using high-resolution glacial geochronology |
Patricio Cleary | A Million Hectares More: Agro-capitalism's solution to climate change in Chile |
Poppy Budworth | Lived experiences of young 'ostomates': negotiations with space, stigma, and identity |
Sandra Domingues Gomes | Climatic instabilities of the last 70,000 years in the subtropical eastern North Atlantic: exploring vegetation and hydrological responses on the SW Iberian margin using a land-sea direct comparison |
Shahana Akther | Assessment of Decentralization of Municipal Waste: An Integrated Approach for Sustainable Development in the Urban Areas of Bangladesh |
Shashank Nitundil | Reconstructing the Quaternary palaeoenvironmental history of high-altitude Eastern Himalayas, India using a multi-proxy approach |
Sneha Mendiratta | Analysis of Human-Wildfire Interactions from Social Media and News Sources: A Hybrid Neural Network Approach |
Sotiria Kyriakidou | The consumption of alcohol among homeless population and the role of the temporary housing in urban areas in three different countries |
Susan Hancock | Origins of the British Mesolithic transition from hunter-gatherer to an agrarian society |
Thomas Van Laake | Building back greener: cycling infrastructure under pandemic urbanism |
Tianshu Liu | Emperors' view of frontier North Manchuria as a political space in early Qing |
Tianyuan Wang | Chemical response to ultraviolet radiation in Sphagnum moss spores: a novel approach for testing the solar-climate hypothesis in temperate peat bogs |
Xiaowen Zhan | The equity impacts of nature-based solutions for urban climate adaptation: a case study of China's Sponge City Program |
Yihan Yan | The Governance of Animaling Public Space in Urban China: Dog-related conflicts, spatial regulations, and social exclusion |
Yubo Liu | The Effects of Smart Tourism Development in Tourist Destinations in Sichuan on the Local Sustainable Development |
Yuliya Kulynych | Reconfiguring uneven gendered spaces and practices through urban feminist resistance in skate-parks and street spaces |
Yuqi Zhao | Urban Transport Equity Evolution as a Result of Metro Network Expansion, the Case of Wuhan, China |
Ziliang Zhang | Planning, Property and Environmental Management |