Our research projects
Our research is supported by a range of national and international funders. We host large research programmes, early and mid-career research fellows, as well as a range of individual and team projects on exciting new agendas in research, pedagogy and scholarship.
We also support collaborative research through consultancy, knowledge transfer partnerships and projects aiming to turn research into meaningful change for the benefit of people across the globe.
Highlighted research programmes
- The African Cities Research Consortium tackles complex problems in some of Africa’s fastest growing urban areas. Taking a ‘city as a system’ approach, it is generating new evidence to catalyse integrated, sustainable, inclusive approaches to urban development.
- #BeeWell is centred on the wellbeing of young people. It brings together a Coalition of Partners from across civil society to listen to the needs of young people, generate actions and deliver solutions.
- The Digital Solutions Programme is co-developing a suite of inter-connected toolkits that facilitate improved access and better use of environmental data resources.